Since the time i am aware about viruses, this question had been in my mind until now. "What is the best antivirus software?" I have visited alot of sites that answered this question but their answers are diffrent. Some site would say that the no.1 antivirus software is KASPERSKY, some would say that it is NORTON, others say BITDEFENDER and their are also others who say AVIRA. Now, whose telling the truth?
In my perspective, their is really no such thing as best antivirus. I guess the name does not matter. The main thing that is important for antivirus softwares is regualr update. I have been fixing computer that are affected by viruses and all that i mention above where not able to stop it from entering in my clients computer. The main reason is that they were not able to update their antivirus software. There are still some user that uses complex antivirus software that surely would protect their compurter but lack the knowledge on how to use the antivirus properly, as a result the computer usually crashes.
The main point that i would like to stress here is that, the name doesn't count. As long as you know how to use your AV and updates it regularly, you will surely have a low chance of being infected by a virus. For myself, i use the free edition of AVIRA and everything works fine for me.
Please share you opinon regarding this topic.